SharEEN partners meeting




The partners meeting of the SharEEN project took place in Bolonia on June 6th, 2018 at the ASTER head office.


The project aims to identify and link-up with collaborative economy platforms, exchange experience with all relevant stakeholders and help European SMEs, social enterprises and other relevant actors to exploit the opportunities offered by sharing economy.

In particular, the project aims at building knowledge and capacity among EEN partners ‘staff and other stakeholders on sharing economy, and help them define and deeply supporting services for their SMEs. 



SharEEN is coordinated by the Technological Institute of the Canary Islands (Tenerife, Spain) and the partners are AIN (Navarre, Spain), SPIN (Calabria, Italy), ASTER (Emilia Romagna, Italy), PCCII (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), ACIF (Madeira, Portugal), LDF (Lublin, Polonia) and SBA (Bratislava, Slovakia).


On the first part of the meeting ASTER director, Marina Silveri, welcomed all the partners.

Then the group started to talk about the results of the first phase of the project: the mapping done at the regional level, with the sharing economy entities that were identified during the research work.


The meeting continued with the analysis of the results of the work packages: the communication activities, the categorization methodologies of the entities, the financial analysis and the next steps to continue with the project, especially the upcoming public events.


After this highly productive phase, ASTER organized a visit to Kilowatt association (, an example of good practices in sharing economy of the Emilia Romagna region. In the green heart of Giardini Margherita, they regenerated an abandoned public place – the former municipal greenhouses – in order to give it back to the local community. It has been enriched through projects and activities such as the coworking space, the educational service Kw Baby, the summer festival Kw Summer, the gARTen community that manages the vegetable garden, the ethical purchasing group (GAS), and a space for events inside the Lion Cage.


The opportunities generated by the Shareen project evidence the success of the EEN Network and the emerging opportunities connected to the collaborative economy to design a stronger action agenda for companies that generates real change. Partners have the experience, knowledge and tools to consolidate new collaborative opportunities and innovative resources to take advantage of the unique potential of the network and increase its vibrancy as an ongoing catalytic force.